
Data Driven Building Management


Indoor Air Quality Mitigation

Starts with HVAC operation and maintenance followed by space housekeeping. The EPA recognizes that Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of the air inside buildings as represented by concentrations of pollutants and thermal (temperature and relative humidity) conditions that affect the health, comfort and performance of occupants. Other factors affecting occupants, such as light and noise, are emerging indoor environmental quality considerations, and now represent a new thrust to producing in quality indoor environment.


Learn more about IAQ
IAQ Assessment Parameters


Building Retro-Commissioning 

Returns HVAC operating parameters to original design specifications as modified by occupant experience. Equipment maintenance is not enough. Original construction may not have closely followed designs specs. Indeed, original design parameters may have used general industry principals in anticipation of owners making changes to suit tenants. Recommissioning adjusts air delivery to fit reality while adhering to original design intent.

Frequency of Measures Implemented in Recommissioning



Solves water flow and air delivery to spaces. It resolves space temperature problems by analyzing air delivery to spaces in the context of air handler and rooftop unit performance. It optimizes air flow to spaces using diffuser air analysis and walking back through the duct system to the primary source from the air source. Air delivery changes over time and periodically needs to be adjusted to fit current space needs. It's not glamorous. It's just functional ... and practical.

Supply air measurement


Temperature Controls 

Operates HVAC equipment. Regulates valves, dampers and run-time. Use industry-standard algorithms to maintain air delivery. Today's controls systems meet equipment specifications - but not necessarily space comfort and health environments. By design, air handlers work in conjunction with space temperature requirements. But they are only loosely coupled to space conditions - if at all. Instead they function as independent air-supply machines, relying on room terminal equipment for final space air delivery. And this is the opportunity: improve space environmental conditions by adjusting controls parameters. It's about optimizing for comfort, environment, and energy.

Air handler controls diagram


HVAC Balancing Reports

Document a record of the testing and adjustment results of an HVAC system. Air balancing involves assessing the amount of air at grilles and registers. Our procedures and methods are time-testedReports ensures customers receive the appropriate design-adjusted air and water flows throughout the building.


Finding and Fixing 

are  a time-tested science. It's all about numbers. Adjusting supply diffusers almost always requires air handler verification and modification. Blockages are rare. But limited obstructions must be found and fix. This is a physical job. 

Accuracy matters. Instruments must be properly calibrated. Unexpected readings need to be examined in the context of experience. 

Some buildings are more complex than others. But, in the end, deep system understanding produces the best results.